GS 9256
/ Gilead
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June 10, 2022
The Downregulated Lipo-Related Gene Expression Pattern in Keloid Indicates Fat Graft Is a Potential Clinical Option for Keloid.
(PubMed, Front Med (Lausanne))
- "We used GSE158395 and GSE92566 as discovery datasets to identify specific enriched hub genes and lncRNAs associated with keloid development and progression...Three genes had statistical difference and eight genes showed downregulated trend through qPCR of the keloid tissue. Our results suggest that keloid development relies on the downregulation of lipo-related genes and pre-adipocytes in diseased tissues and may be one of the key mechanisms underlying fat grafting-mediated treatment of pathological scarring."
Journal • Aesthetic Medicine • Fibrosis
February 05, 2022
Identification and Validation of Novel Diagnostic Biomarkers for Keloid Based on GEO Database.
(PubMed, Int J Gen Med)
- "Target mRNAs that were differentially expressed in keloid were selected by analyzing differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in GSE44270 and GSE92566...Additionally, the potential functions of those miRNAs-mRNAs pathways were analyzed. These findings of keloid-related miRNAs, mRNAs, and miRNA-mRNAs regulatory networks may provide insights into the underlying pathogenesis of keloid and serve as potential biomarkers for keloid diagnosis."
Biomarker • Journal • Fibrosis • Pain • CCNA2 • CCNB1 • FOXM1 • MIR149 • MIR30B
October 05, 2021
Integrated bioinformatics analysis of core regulatory elements involved in keloid formation.
(PubMed, BMC Med Genomics)
- "GNG13, ADCY8, NPY and HTR1A may act as core genes in keloid formation and these core genes establish relationship with SP1 and miRNA (hsa-mir-372, hsa-mir-20, hsa-mir-10b), which may influence multiple signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of keloid."
Journal • Fibrosis • Oncology • MIR10B • MIR155 • MIR31 • NMU
April 21, 2021
Bioinformatic Analysis of Key Genes and Pathways Related to Keloids.
(PubMed, Biomed Res Int)
- "We downloaded the GSE92566 and GSE90051 microarray data, which contain normal skin tissue and keloid gene expression data...This study identified several hub genes and provided insights for the underlying pathways and miRNA-hub gene interactions for keloid development through bioinformatic analysis of two microarray datasets. Additionally, our results would support the development of future therapeutic strategies."
Journal • Fibrosis • COL5A1 • COL5A2 • SERPINH1
October 04, 2012
Genome-wide association study to characterize potential determinants of bilirubin elevations in HCV patients receiving the HCV NS3 serine protease inhibitor GS-9256
(AASLD 2012)
- Presentation time: Nov 11, 2012; 8:00 am to 5:30 pm; P2, N=201; GS-US-196-0123 study; Risk for bilirubin elevation in patients receiving GS-9256 is unlikely to be strongly influenced by common genetic variants with large effects
P2 data • Hepatitis C Virus
March 03, 2013
A study of response-guided duration of combination therapy with GS-9190, GS-9256, Pegasys and Copegus in previously untreated subjects with genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C
- P2, N=320; Sponsor: Gilead; Active, not recruiting; Completion date: Oct 2015 -> Jan 2017.
Trial completion date • Hepatitis C Virus
April 04, 2012
High SVR12 with 16 weeks of tegobuvir and GS-9256 with peginterferon-alfa 2a and ribavirin in treatment-naïve genotype 1 HCV patients
(EASL 2012)
- Presentation time: 19.04.2012, 16:00-18:00; P2, N=323; Using LLOQ at Week 2 to shorten treatment duration to 16 weeks results in an SVR4 rate of 98% in treatment-naïve, genotype 1 HCV patients treated with tegobuvir + GS-9256 + PEG + RBV
P2 data • Hepatitis C Virus
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