Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar)
/ PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
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October 07, 2024
Implementation Of New Mexico's 'No Behavioral Health Cost Sharing' Law: A Qualitative Study.
(PubMed, Health Aff (Millwood))
- "Engagement strategies were needed to inform eligible members and facilitate enrollment in eligible plans. The law provides a potential model for states to improve access to behavioral health care, but impacts may be limited by factors such as workforce, awareness, and federal ERISA constraints."
January 05, 2024
Audit of Mortality Causes and Practices on Children With Heart Diseases at Jakaya Kikwete Institute
(SCCM 2024)
- "Pediatric mortality audits are accessible indicators of trends in the provision of care in children with heart diseases, early detection of critical congenital heart diseases, infection control and a system of timely recognition of patient clinical deteriorations relies on regular vital signs monitoring for early management escalations in critically ill patients to prevent future adverse events and deaths."
Clinical • Atrial Fibrillation • Cardiovascular • Congestive Heart Failure • Heart Failure • Infectious Disease • Metabolic Disorders • Pediatrics • Respiratory Diseases • Septic Shock
June 12, 2023
"It was lovely meeting you, Erisa! 😊"
May 16, 2023
"Please get angry. Contact state/fed senators & reps, state ins commissioners, file ERISA complaints, etc if your health is being held hostage by your insurance co. #priorauth is out of control & costing lives. @UHC is greedy but, in a race to the bottom, it's in bad company."
Reimbursement • US reimbursement
May 07, 2023
"The amount of federal law violations from COVID racking up are insane. Too bad no one in the federal government is pursuing $CI DOL violations, ERISA violations, FFCRA violations. I could go on."
Novel Coronavirus Disease
April 25, 2023
"U.S. Department of Labor Appoints Jack Towarnicky, Member of aequum LLC, to ERISA Advisory Council"
February 24, 2023
N tracing reveals preference for different nitrogen forms of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4.
(PubMed, Front Microbiol)
- "Mycelium N abundance increased significantly between the PDA50 + A50/RBM50 + A50 treatments (50% organic nitrogen+50%NHNO) and the PDA10 + A90/RBM10 + A90 treatments (10% organic nitrogen+90%NHNO). These results indicate that the higher C:N ratio reduced mycelium growth by reducing its biomass and diameter and showed that Foc TR4 preferred to use ammonium nitrogen to promote the growth. These findings suggest that treating banana crops with a combination of organic and inorganic (i.e., nitrate) nitrogen could be a better way to defend against Fusarium wilt of banana."
Journal • RBM10
October 02, 2022
"Further #ERISA limits physicians’ abilities to hold Insurers Accountable."
September 11, 2022
Synthesis and Processing of Dynamic Covalently Crosslinked Polydextran/Carbon Dot Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Tailorable Microstructures and Properties.
(PubMed, ACS Biomater Sci Eng)
- "The role of PDA with different oxidation degrees (i.e., PDA10, PDA30, and PDA50) in affecting the microstructures and properties of PDA@CD hydrogels was systematically investigated, showing that the PDA50@CD hydrogel presented the densest structure and the highest mechanical strength among the three PDA@CD hydrogels. The pH-responsiveness, 3D printing, electrospinning, and biocompatibility of PDA@CD hydrogels were also demonstrated, showing the great promise of using PDA@CD hydrogels for applications in biomedicine and biofabrication."
September 01, 2022
"ERISA. In most circumstances it’s against the law to sue your insurer for damages."
August 11, 2022
"She's referring specifically to ERISA plans, where employer self-insures. Fully-insured plans (underwritten by an insurance carrier) are regulated by state DOI. Self-insured plans (usually admin'd by a TPA) are regulated by federal DOL."
June 13, 2022
"State #FixPriorAuth efforts such as goldcarding don’t address 70% of commercial market governed by ERISA. @fergmd @DoctorJesseMD @DrSandyFryhofer @JackResneckMD @subailey @TomMadejski @RussKridel @lasereyedoc @wvedwards @DoctorJesseMD @PKoiralaMDPhD @DrMichaelSuk"
June 08, 2022
Ranking and selection of dental restorative composite materials using FAHP-FTOPSIS technique: An application of multi criteria decision making technique.
(PubMed, J Mech Behav Biomed Mater)
- "The weight criteria of PDAs was evaluated by the FAHP; PDA-1 (0.084, 0.083, 0.083), PDA-2 (0.084, 0.095, 0.102), PDA-3 (0.079, 0.097, 0.110), PDA-4 (0.084, 0.108, 0.124), PDA-5 (0.084, 0.091, 0.093), PDA-6 (0.062, 0.083, 0.113), PDA-7 (0.070, 0.081, 0.098), PDA-8 (0.058, 0.071, 0.090), PDA-9 (0.073, 0.074, 0.092), PDA-10 (0.070, 0.076, 0.089), and PDA-11 (0.157, 0.135, 0.098), respectively. The FTOPSIS is used to determine the rank of alternatives as DHZ4 > DHZ8 > DHZ0 > DHZ6 > DHZ2. The Hybrid FAHP-FTOPSIS technique was significant in ranking analysis of different dental restorative composite materials under conflicting PDAs."
March 18, 2022
"2022 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Facts: 900 of Most Common ERISA-Related Questions -"
March 02, 2022
"Dorsey Launches ERISA Insights Blog"
November 29, 2021
A multicentre, multi-national, double-blind, randomised, active-controlled, parallel-group clinical study to assess the safety and efficacy of PDA10 (Epoetin-alpha) vs. Eprex® in patients with anaemia of chronic renal failure.
(PubMed, BMC Nephrol)
- "This study has confirmed the therapeutic equivalence between PDA10 and Eprex® in terms of efficacy, dosage requirement and safety profile in haemodialysis patients with renal anaemia."
Clinical • Journal • Anemia • Chronic Kidney Disease • Hematological Disorders • Nephrology • Renal Disease
October 03, 2021
"Telehealth bill would require ERISA plans to cover virtual care (via @AmerMedicalAssn)"
April 13, 2021
Quality gaps in public pancreas imaging datasets: Implications & challenges for AI applications.
(PubMed, Pancreatology)
- "Substantial quality gaps, sources of bias, and high proportion of CTs unsuitable for AI characterize the available limited PPIDs. Published studies on these PPIDs do not account for these quality gaps. We complement these PPIDs through post-hoc labels and segmentations for public release on the TCIA portal. Collaborative efforts leading to large, well-curated PPIDs supported by adequate documentation are critically needed to translate the promise of AI to clinical practice."
Journal • Gastrointestinal Cancer • Hepatology • Oncology • Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma • Pancreatic Cancer • Solid Tumor
March 16, 2021
"Did you know @CVSHealth habitually violates #ERISA by not providing a #FullAndFairReview? #FixPriorAuth"
March 01, 2021
"Kantor & Kantor Health Team Helps A Client Overcome Medical Necessity Denials #medicallynecessary #erisa #Disability #RareDiseases @RareDiseases"
Rare Diseases
October 08, 2020
ERISA Reform as Health Reform: The Case for an ERISA Preemption Waiver.
(PubMed, J Law Med Ethics)
- "This article recommends a statutory waiver for ERISA preemption as a feasible way to adapt to these circumstances. It offers proposed statutory text for reformers inclined to pursue ERISA reform as health reform."
Clinical • Journal
September 16, 2020
"HR2279 & S2546 would only apply to ERISA, or private, federally regulated insurance plans."
June 17, 2020
Unclaimed Defined Benefit Pensions Can Help COVID-19 Economic Recovery.
(PubMed, J Aging Soc Policy)
- "Broader use of electronic disclosures for pensions also threatens to make the situation worse. In the wake of COVID-19, policy makers should take steps to ensure that pension benefits are part of the economic recovery."
Journal • Infectious Disease • Novel Coronavirus Disease
June 06, 2016
PanGen Biotech: Pipeline Update
(PanGen Biotech)
- Anticipated filing for approval for anemia in Korea and Malaysia in Q4 2016
Anticipated non-US regulatory • Biosimilar
February 13, 2020
PanGen registers for the Vietnamese market for its Epogen, Panpotin
- "Biotechnology company PanGen (CEO Jaeseung Yoon, Youngbu Kim) announced...that it had signed an exclusive supply agreement with 'Khuong Duy' in Vietnam. PanGen's Panpotin® is the first drug to treat anemia of epoetin alfa in Korea and is the second biosimilar product in the world, developed and commercialized by PanGen."
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