/ Oxford Biomedica
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May 06, 2022
OXB-302: 5T4-Targeting CAR-T Cells Are Cytotoxic Against Low-Expressing Cells and Successfully Eliminate Leukaemic Stem Cells In Vitro
(ASGCT 2022)
- "Together, these data evidence the fact that 5T4-targeted CAR-T cells show specificity and efficient of cell killing. This suggests that OXB-302 could successfully kill 5T4-expressing leukaemic blasts from AML patients and further eliminate 5T4-expressing leukaemic stems cells, which would help to prevent relapse."
CAR T-Cell Therapy • IO biomarker • Preclinical • Acute Myelogenous Leukemia • Hematological Disorders • Hematological Malignancies • Leukemia • Oncology • Solid Tumor • CD34 • CD38 • TPBG
April 20, 2022
Process Optimisation for a 5T4-Targeted CAR-T Cell Therapy (OXB-302): Using an Iterative Small Scale Screening Approach to Identify Factors Promoting an Early Memory/Tscm Phenotype and Improved Serial Killing Capacity
(ASGCT 2022)
- "This analysis resulted in identification of small molecules that were potentially beneficial and highlighted the importance of a shorter process on the cellular phenotype and serial killing capacity. Surprisingly some agents that have been previously proposed to promote a favourable phenotype, did not have a positive effect in our assays."
CAR T-Cell Therapy • Hematological Malignancies • Oncology • CCR7 • CD8 • FAS
October 02, 2021
[VIRTUAL] Preclinical development of CART Cells directed against the tumour antigen 5T4 for the treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
(ESGCT 2021)
- "Trophoblast glycoprotein (5T4) is a transmembrane oncofoetal antigen that is expressed on a wide range of solid tumours, but has limited expression on normal tissue. We conclude that OXB302 cells could be a promising treatment for patients with AML. OXB302 is now in development with efficacy and safety studies ongoing."
CAR T-Cell Therapy • IO biomarker • Preclinical • Acute Myelogenous Leukemia • Hematological Disorders • Hematological Malignancies • Leukemia • Oncology • Solid Tumor • GLI2 • GZMB • IFNG • TPBG
April 19, 2019
Pre-Clinical Investigations of CAR T Cells Directed Against the Tumour Antigen 5T4 (OXB-302) in Solid Tumor Models
(ASGCT 2019)
- "These results demonstrate proof of principle that 5T4 is an attractive target for therapeutic intervention in ovarian cancer and that patient T cells engineered to express a 5T4-CAR (OXB-302) can recognise and respond to autologous tumour cells. In addition, targeting of 5T4 by OXB-302 may enable the de-bulking of tumours and the eradication of the cancer stem cells which are responsible for metastasis and relapse."
CAR T-Cell Therapy • IO Biomarker
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